
Showing posts from July, 2018

The Best Way To chronic insomnia

                                                                       Chronic Insomnia Insomnia  is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep. People with  insomnia  have one or more of the following symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep. Waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep. About The Insomnia: Insomnia is trouble falling asleep or they may difficulty in staying asleep through the night.Episodes may come and go(episodic),last up to 3 weeks(short-term),or be long-lasting(chronic). CAUSES Sleep habits learned as children may affect the sleep behaviors as adults.When these behaviors are repeated over many years, they become habits. Poor sleep or lifestyle habits that may cause insomnia or ma...

Short Story: The Truth About nausea

                                   Nausea (Hrllasam)  Ayurvedic Treatment India         Nausea is an unpleasant feeling which includes vague discomfort and dizziness and  unwillingness to eat.       It can be from travel.        Some of the drugs like opium analgesics and chemotherapy can cause nausea.       If it is associated with aversion towards food, check serum bilirubin.       In case of diabetic patients, check blood urea level.        If young women, rule out pregnancy Nausea Hrllasam Ayurvedic TreatmentIndia         Chardi cikitsa         Vata anulomana       Agni dipana       Rucya ousadas Kasay am           Vilvadi kasayam 60 ml morning and n...


                                               Conditions               It occurs to gastritis or infection of the digestive track ( H-pylori) disorders such as gastroenteritis & obstruction of the digestive tract.         Depression can cause lack of desire for food (commonly seen in Ayurvedic community)       Look for any drug history of anti TB drugs, anti Hypertensives certain cardiac drugs like digitalis, all of these can produce anorexia.           I f there is loss appetite or indigestion, think of modern drugs that produce these     conditions)always take psychiatric history, sleep pattern, hotel food intake etc., into consideration.        Take the history of alcoholism, tobacco, and smoking. · ...


      MANYA BASTI EFFECTIVE TREATMENT NECK PAIN What is Manya Basti? Manya Basti Effective Treatment Neck Pain means neck and Basti is the treatment in which the oil is made to be worn. So the treatment in which the oil is made to be worn on the cervical or the neck region is called  Manyabasti. What are the Benefits? 1. It is useful in  cervical spondylosis . 2. It is useful in  cervical pain . 3. It is beneficial in the numbness of the neck region and tingling sensation and numbness of hands. What is the Therapeutic Procedure? o     Poorvakarma (Pre-Procedure) of Basti: The thorough examination of the patient is done before administration of basti. Examination gives the idea of what kind of oil or decoction should be used for the basti , and also to decide the proportion of the medicine to be used. Once the patient is mentally and physically fit to take basti he is given snehan and swedan . Swedan should ...


                                         Antioxidants – Parijatak’s Wellness Mantra Our body is made up of lots of substances like bones, tissues, muscles, nerves, organs, blood and many more essential life-supporting materials . For maintenance of life and normal functioning of organs, numerous cellular reactions continue in our body. From these cellular reactions, free radicles are produced as a by-product in the daily basis, highest antioxidant foods in the world. Excess production of free radicals in the body damage the cell membranes and cause diseases of cardiovascular system, cancers, Alzheimer arthritis etc. Role of Free Radicals Oxidation is the process which produces free radicals. The free radicals are present in our body in the form of ROS (Reactive oxygen species), Hydroxyl radical (OH), Superoxide radical (O2) nitric oxide (NO). These free radicals attack...